Get Off The Meds??


One area that is very interesting in the Health space is about medicine and supplements

And while reading random articles online should never be the length of your education

“Scientific Studies” can also be questionable as many big companies alter them so the results show what they want them to show

So it’s hard to know where to get the right info and who is getting paid to say what

In my humble, and accurate opinion, it’s like most things

There’s a time and a place for everything <<<<<<

Of course there are loads of times people need medication for various issues

but there are also plenty of times medications are thrown out like sweeties without proper thought going into side effects and what can really sure the issue

And there are many examples of people starting to clean up their diet and exercise more regular and then coming off various medications

Which takes me to this great example of a lady 73 yrs old who started weight training and has now

Lost 4 stone in 7 months

and is off her medications

as well as looking like a bad ass

All from making quality changes to her diet and doing weight training

^^^^^ But of course that’s not sexy and you can’t sell it in a bottle

We see so many athletes now competing at older and older ages

and so many “Weekend Warriors” and average joes training hard into their 40’s and beyond

We need to start changing some mindsets of what is expected of people as they get older

and raise the bar a bit higher

rather than accepting lazy excuses and BS

The key to it all will be “Intelligent” training rather than just beasting away like you did in your 20’s

So it won’t be easy but nothing worthwhile ever is of course

and will be interesting to see how the medication issues evolves in years to come

If you want to read up on this lady in Canada and follow her on the gram just read the article here

​Don’t forget,

On Monday November 4th we are starting our 6 Week Online Nutrition Coaching program for the run in to xmas

This will be the LAST time we will do it for 6 Weeks as it will be for 12 Weeks from then on.

But if you want to get a handle on your diet and you can’t figure out how you are “doing everything right” but still making no progress

Then reply back to this email with “Online Coaching” and I will get you all the details.

Either way,

be sure to enjoy the Bank Holiday wkend and not undo all your great work

and don’t forget that we are closed for the Monday as well

Think Big And Kick Ass



Whenever you’re ready,

1 – If you want a bit of inspiration to get you going this morning then be sure to check out this link

2 – Every month we open the doors to our now famous 6 Week Transformation Program for people to get started on their fitness journey.

If you would like to get started then just reply to me here with “6 Week Program” and I will get back to you ASAP and we can see if it’s for you.

3 – We also offer more private coaching in our Get Lean Project so if you would like to take things to another level then reply to me with “Private Coaching” and I will get back to you.