About Us
The story behind Dutchy’s Fitness, the team behind Dutchy’s Fitness & why we are here helping you get the results you desire!
The story behind Dutchy’s Fitness, the team behind Dutchy’s Fitness & why we are here helping you get the results you desire!
Darragh Holland opened Dutchy’s Fitness Cavan in September 2011 and Dutchy’s Dundalk in January 2018.
Darragh’s wife Lorraine joined the team in 2016 and with her passion and expertise for all things food has brought another dimension to how we do things.
The excellent and enthusiastic staff of Alan, Chris, Darren, Sophie, Sam and Sharon are on hand to help all our clients achieve their goals. While Fiona and Sharon work behind the scene’s to make sure everything runs smoothly.
We are passionate about getting busy people in shape in the easiest and most fun way, which is why our slogan is:
Twice The Results In Half The Time
Darragh Holland opened Dutchy’s Fitness Cavan in September 2011 and Dutchy’s Dundalk in January 2018.
Darragh’s wife, Lorraine joined the team in 2016 and her passion and expertise for all things food have brought another dimension to how we do things.
The excellent and enthusiastic staff of Alan, Chris, Darren, Sophie, Sam and Sharon are on hand to help all our clients achieve their goals. While Fiona and Sharon work behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly.
We are passionate about getting busy people in shape in the easiest and most fun way, which is why our slogan is:
Twice the Results in Half the Time