Cavan Personal Trainer on Getting Fit Before Starting Gym

Personal training at Dutchys Dundalk Gym 2

Back when I lived at home the odd time my mother got a cleaner in she had to do a clean up before the cleaner came

To the logical eye it may seem pointless doing a clean up before paying someone to do cleaning

but of course no one want’s the place looking too bad and having the place look like a mess so it’s understandable in this instance

A lot of people take great pride in doing everything themselves and learning things for themselves and fair play to you if that’s your thing

Personally, I couldn’t be arsed

I would rather learn something ASAP from someone who knows what they are talking about and if someone can do a job better than me and I have no interest in learning that thing

Then I will ask, and pay, them to do so

Which brings me to a phone call this week which I have heard (either via phonecall, emails, text or in person) 100’s of times before

The old

O I’m gonna get fit first and then come into you

And of course neither ever happens, they never get fit and they never make it into us and my guess is any other gym in the area

A lot of people think you only PAY with money and spend their life “nickel and diming” as they say in the states, basically trying to save money everywhere they go

But there is a VERY valuable way we can pay for things that we can NEVER get back and that’s with


The same way you can never get quality time with loved ones or go back in time if you missed it

And the same way I thought I was making a bit progress with my swimming but have made considerable more progress when getting lessons

The same way you can spend hours doing your taxes not having a baldy clue what your at or you can pay an accountant to do that stuff for you and it may cost you money but will save hours of stress and headaches

and you would like to think they will do a better job than you at it anyways.

So in a nutshell,

Waiting to “Get Fit” before joining a gym is NOT like giving the house a quick tidy up before the cleaner comes

It’s simply wasting more time, that you can NEVER get back, and putting off those awesome results of feeling great and being in bad ass shape

and is life not short enough for that nonsense

In other news, I just want to give you a head’s up that 16th of September is D Day regarding all our programs The 6 Week Transformation Program is launching that day for our group training Our 12 Week Get Lean Project (Small Group Personal Training) will be starting a new training program that day and with people already in touch about getting their spot back after the summer I’m not sure how many spots will be left in 2 weeks time and our Fabulous Fit 50’s Program will on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 11:30am which is a beginner class So if there’s any of those programs you are interested in be sure to get in touch ASAP to get yourself booked in… Think Big And Kick Ass


PS Whenever you’re ready,

1 – If you want a bit of inspiration to get you going this morning then be sure to check out this link

2 – Every month we open the doors to our now famous 6 Week Transformation Program for people to get started on their fitness journey.

If you would like to get started then just reply to me here with “6 Week Program” and I will get back to you ASAP and we can see if it’s for you.

3 – We also offer more private coaching in our Get Lean Project so if you would like to take things to another level then reply to me with “Private Coaching” and I will get back to you.