Here’s The Good News

Group training at Dutchys Cavan Gym 5

Summer 2018 one of the young football lads wanted to do a gym session so he came out to the house and we did a session together

He would do some gym work but not be a “gym rat” like you or I

So for my amusement I added in some Bulgarian Split Squats

Knowing full well that in his little innocence he had no idea what was coming the next day or 2

or 3

He kept pace rightly and was well fit to lift respectable weights

The next evening we had footie training and I felt a little stiff but nothing major

I noticed he wasn’t training so asked him what’s up

“I’m hardly fit to fudging walk after that session last night never mind train,

me legs are in bits!”

I had a little LOL to myself

this lad is about 10 years younger than me

Nostalgia is a great thing and we love to add a good bit extra to our stories from days of yore

A story from a night out gets a little bit added so it sounds like a MEENTAAAL night

Sporting stories are always great as you listen to people talk about a game like it was a Roman warrior battle in the coliseum

Even though you’re thinking to yourself

I remember that game

It was dirt

Moral of the story??

Not all is lost just because we move on in age and we shouldn’t listen to the nonsense we tell ourselves or other people tell us

Some things change of course for the worse and we might slow down here or there but some things also change for the better (experience & knowledge are just things you can’t put a price on)

and we weren’t the BEASTS in our 20’s that we like to tell ourselves.

I was stiff plenty of times from workouts then and had many desperate hangovers, just like now

So it’s never to late to get after it and make changes for the better

That’s the good news

Just like Ruth Deasy from Dublin can show us here in this article

Take 2 minutes and have a quick read

And as always,

Think Big And Kick Ass



Whenever you’re ready,

1 – If you want a bit of inspiration to get you going this morning then be sure to check out this link

2 – Every month we open the doors to our now famous 6 Week Transformation Program for people to get started on their fitness journey.

If you would like to get started then just reply to me here with “6 Week Program” and I will get back to you ASAP and we can see if it’s for you.

3 – We also offer more private coaching in our Get Lean Project so if you would like to take things to another level then reply to me with “Private Coaching” and I will get back to you.