Keys to Quarantine GAINZZ

Gym Dundalk 2

With the news that the lockdown is continuing into it was another little kick to the motivation

No footie to focus on and be fit for

No big days out to get ready for

^^^^ Have to just change the focus and remember the bigger picture

and with Easter eggs and the Bank Holiday wkend I’d say we all had a bit of a “Fudge it” moment

There seems to be no end in sight so motivation can be hard so it’s important to look at the bigger picture

and remember us guys at home don’t have it too bad so try to make the most of it

I’m trying to do a few hours every day on a few courses I signed up to and hopefully stand to me in the long run

and working out 6 days a week between our lives, weights sessions and a few runs

Could defo do with a massage as well so that’s another business will probably be packed out when all is said and done


My night time reading at the minute is

The Perfect Week By Craig Ballantyne

In case you missed it I did a little video on Time Management and mentioned Craig and Paul Mort as 2 of my mentors when it comes to everything to do with getting shit done

and keeping the head right so I can stay focused and not lose my shizzle

It’s always really interesting reading these types of books just how much productivity people manage to get done

and how we can be such victims of our own downfall when it comes to wasting time

and what happens when we waste time?

We miss time doing what we love with the people we love

we fall behind with our work and/ or exercise

all coming together to add a lot of unnecessary stress and BS to our lives <<<< YEP

So without getting into too much detail I’m just going to give some simple tips for making sure you get your workouts done during lock down:

– Make time, no set time then forget about it, not some time

That’s why early is so good

It’s done and dusted before you know it but if you doing it later in the day make sure to have a certain that it needs to be done by and have it planed in your day

– Gym clothes means gym time and business Have your gear and your workout area (now that we have to improvise) ready and that’s your set space – Leave the house and get out and about when possible and within the guidelines obviously Some of those rainy days have been a bit of a drag when you can’t really get out Fresh air and getting away from devices is just so good for head space it can’t be understated – Set a time limit That hour, or 45 minutes or 90 minutes is planed into your day and that’s it Overall it’s just important to have your day planed and set times for everything If you struggle with this stuff then I highly recommend following Craig’s stuff and reading his books His clients range from all sorts of backgrounds and has loads of people (Male & Female) with young families and trying to balance all O and in case you missed it We are giving away a Fitbit and 12 Weeks FREE membership for when we open back up for one Front Line worker Be sure to check out all the details on our FB and Insta pages Think Big And Kick Ass Darragh PS With the lockdown dragging on and no solid end in site coming You can still join our Home Live workouts and get all the extra help that we are providing as well Just reply with “I’m In” and I will get you sorted